Transactions of Research Lodge of Colorado A.F. & A.M. Vol. I. 1954-1959
A collection of papers presented before the Lodge over the earliest years of Research Lodge of Colorado.
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Papers include :
Missing Numbers - The Extinct Lodges of Colorado, Clark, George B
Time. Evans, Clarence E
Introduction to the History and Development of Monitors and Craftsmen, Carter, Gilbert
Whence Came We? Clark, George B
Philosophy for Masons, Rees, Humbert
Relationship of Freemasony to Religion. Barnes, C. Wheeler
Influences on the Design of King Solomon's Temple, Lewis, William S
The George Washington National Masonic Memorial. Clark, George B
Masonic Light. Hedblom, E E
Colour. Evans, Clarence E
Committee on Philosophy Quartery Report. Rees, Humbert
Symbolism No. 1. Van Buskirk, Luther
Lodge Room Over Simpkins' Store. Clark, George B
The Attentive Ear - The Instructive Tongue. Collins, Victor
Brief Resume of the History of Geometry from Ancient Egypt until About 200-300 BC. Anderson, Eugene L
Colorado College SRICF. Orris, James R
Reading on Relation of the Arab Culture & the Religion of Islam to Freemasonry. Shelby, Kamiss M
The Masonic Apron. Rees, Humbert
The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests. Ilchman, Fred W
The Mysteries of Adonis as to Historical Freemasonry. Scott, Howard D
The Working Tools. Walker, J Ralph
The Hiramic Tradition. Clark, George B
Lodge of Research. Jameson, Albert E
Masonic Allusions in the Finnish Poem, KalevalaWay, Ivan M
Masonic Scrap Books. Van Buskirk, Luther
Function of Masonry in Our Lives. TheNeihardt, Melbern M
On the Dedication of Temples. Rees, Humbert
Colonial Masonic History. Clark, George B
Charity. Rumin, Carl W
Time for Reflection. Hughes, C Ralph
Masonic Trials. Rees, Humbert
Seven Branched Candlestick or the Menorah. Van Buskirk, Luther
Variations in the Lesser Lights in Our Grand Jurisdictions. Merrick, Gordon R
Dignity. Clark, George B
For the Service of God and a Distressed Worthy Brother. Venditti, Dom P
Jerusalem (The Cause of Many Massacres). Shelby, Kamiss M
Masonry and the Present World Crisis. Lee, Olin P
Lost or Forgotten, Which? Bagdigian, Bagdasar K
Our Masonic Presidents. Hoffman, James R
I - G - Y. Anderson, Eugene L